First of all, let's talk about why college is so darn stressful. We've got a million things to do, and only 24 hours in a day. We've got classes to attend, papers to write, and exams to study for. On top of that, we've got to figure out how to make new friends, navigate the campus (Hehe, not much in my case), and figure out how to survive on your own for the first time. No wonder you're feeling stressed!
When I think about managing all the drama in my life, I also think about the little things that bring me joy. For me, one of those things is feeding biscuits to the dogs on campus. It may sound silly, but taking a break from my studies to spend some time with furry friends is always a great stress reliever. And it's not just me, the dogs seem to enjoy it too!
A risky way of curbing stress is going to the library with your
friends before final exams. So, instead of just silently hitting the books, we
make it a fun time by cracking jokes(in whispers) and discussing the material. Despite
all the weird jokes, we actually manage to get 'some' serious studying done.
It is a great reminder that studying doesn't have to be all
work and no play. And when we leave the library, we both feel more confident
and ready for the upcoming exams.
(NOTE: Do not try this for courses like Calculus, or do it
at your own risk)
These little moments of happiness can make all the
difference. So, make sure you're taking time for the things that bring you joy
and make you feel good. Whether it's spending time with friends, trying a new
hobby, or just taking a nap, make sure you're taking care of yourself.
Also, there's no need to worry, I've got your back. Here are some tips and
tricks for managing stress in your personal life as a college freshman:
- Make time for self-care: This one might sound obvious, but it's amazing how often we forget about it. Make sure you're taking care of yourself by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Trust me, you'll feel better, and be more productive, if you're taking care of your body.
- Get organized: A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. Make sure you're staying organized and on top of your to-do list. Get yourself a planner and write down everything you need to get done each day. This will help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
- Learn to say no: You're only one person, and you can't do it all. Don't be afraid to say no to things that don't align with your priorities. This could mean saying no to a social event or a meeting with a club. Make sure you're prioritizing what's important to you and taking care of yourself first.
- Find a support system: College can be lonely, and it's important to have people in your life who you can lean on. Make sure you're making connections and building relationships with other students, your professors, and the campus community.
- Take breaks: It's important to take a break from the stress and just relax. Whether it's watching a movie, reading a book, or taking a walk, make sure you're taking time for yourself to recharge.
Now, as I finish up my first semester of freshman year, I
can't help but feel hopeful for the future. The second semester is starting tomorrow,
and I feel ready to take it on. I've learned so much in the past few months,
and I know that I can only continue to grow and improve.
I'm also excited to see who my classmates will be. College
is a great place to meet people with unique stories and perspectives. Who
knows, I might even make some lifelong friends in one of these classes!
So, bring on the second semester! I know it won't always be easy, but with the right mindset and a little bit of humor, I'm confident that anyone can make the most of this amazing opportunity.
Disclaimer: This is just a humorous guide on stress
management for college students, not to be taken seriously (because who takes
anything seriously these days anyway?).